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Osage Trail Ranch Nature School

Our Story

This is the vision...


Imagine you are a child again. Think back to some of your earliest memories. Think of a time you felt wonder and realized the beauty of the world around you.  For me, I picture my backyard and the alley behind it. I lived in what is now the Rose district in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. In a small neighborhood on what was then the eastern edge of the city.  I remember sitting in the dirt and just having the best time of my life. My sister, the neighbor kids, and I would go outside just about every day just to play and have fun. It was such a miniscule yard, but it felt huge. All the necessary ingredients for kid paradise were present. A tree, a clothesline pole, a swing set, a dog, a whole bunch of bugs, an occasional rabbit, and plenty of dirt. In the alley were several large vines and lots of tall grass. We would all just have so much fun. I don't even remember what we played or the details of our experiences, but it was a blast.


That is the outdoor experience that I continued with my children as we gradually made our way out to the country life from Broken Arrow, to 1/3 acre in north Tulsa, to 7 acres in a flood zone in Sapulpa, and then 40 acres in Kellyville.  I love it when people tell me that my kids are so free range and act like they are living in the 1950s. The independence and self confidence that their outdoor experiences have taught them is invaluable.


Now we are back in Tulsa, and I am excited to bring all the parts of my nature, education, equine and ranching experience to children here.  Utilizing time in nature, experiences with animals and other children, and hands on agricultural training I believe children can create a path of learning individually forged with foundational skills that they will carry with them the rest of their lives.


This vision is of a school where children are immersed in nature and given the tools for learning in a relaxed positive way that takes into consideration their interests and abilities and works closely together with each family unit to grow each individual into the unique person God created them to be. 


Stay tuned for further updates. 


                                    "Play is the work of the child."  Maria Montessori

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